vous êtes ici Cola Beach Cola Beach , is a stunning uninhibited remote beach located 5 kms north of Agonda beach in South Goa. Surrounded by coconut swaying palm trees, a breathtaking freshwater blue lagoon; and the Arabian sea, Cola beach is the perfect place to get away from it all, and experience one of the few remaining Goa beach paradises off the beaten path. south Goa resortssouth Goa resorts reflects differently in cola beach is full with only few resorts to choose from, mostly luxury Goa beach huts, combining yoga school Goa hosting and Indian cuisine better then Agonda beach itself.what to do in cola beachIn cola, just like when you Imagine a Goa beach, pastoral, empty, sunny any inviting, a step and a half from Agonda, with many fishing trips, sport, Goan yoga school, but still remote.beach huts in Cola beachHuts in Goacomes to huts in Goa, the beach huts in cola beach are far away from party zones, as Palolem beach, or Baga in the north of Goa. are mostly fancy and luxurious, and good value for money while booked at beachhutbooking.com.Beach resorts in cola beachgenerally beach resorts in cola are about 3 to select , In south Goa the yoga retreat is in motion in the last 2 years, yoga teachers and student from around the world gather an meat in the area and seek accommodation in cola beach resorts on the beach are focused on clean and minimal style.Cola beach GoaCola beach Goa has develop more since the arrival of yoga retreats to the region, and more and more visitors too. booking a resort in cola beach is becoming as tricky as getting one in Palolem beach.booking cola accommodationGoa yoga retreatso if you're searching for yoga in Goa or yoga school cola beach is an alternative to the obvious Agonda option, if you don't mind the isolation cola beach also offers. not far from white sands in Agonda.